Archive for July, 2014

Surprise Notice From My Cottage Tenant

On Friday, I had a meeting with another Festival committee member to once more try to get the Fields Park measured so I can place the booths and begin to figure out where artists and sponsors and our Info Booth will be placed. I realized that I needed to use the cement pad that had […]


Stormy Days, Book Publishing And So New Things to Learn

There have been many storms these last few days. But nothing that has caused any new flooding in Manitou Springs. Halleluiah! But my basement is very damp right now. The old ways water came in seems to have happened again. Didn’t have the heart to take a flashlight and see if the new area was […]


Stormy Week in Manitou Springs

This has been a week of rain storms and sirens going off warning of Flash Flooding. Monday the new siren just a block from me went off along with both my phones and the radio and the siren in my home all at once. Highway 24 was closed, people were turned away from town. That […]


Slowly Healing and Dealing with a Bit of Depression

I have never been a good sick person. And it is all the harder when one has to take care of oneself and still try to keep up with the business aspect of one’s life that doesn’t stop when you just want to sleep the day away. My time to totally get rid of this […]


Communication Glitches Have Plagued Me Recently

I have to admit at the Young Living Convention there were a few communication glitches with my roommate. The first night, when we were discussing about timing to get up and ready for the first morning, she reminded me she meditates for 2 hours each morning. I told her I needed 1.5 hr to get […]


Quick Summary of the Last Week and Young Living Convention

Actually this is more than a week worth of summation. On Monday, June 23rd I rode to the Young Living Convention in Salt Lake City with two people I had never met and my Sharing Inner Health friend. I realized as we left town, that I had left my distance glasses at home . . […]