Archive for May, 2015

New Fence Section and Old Rose Removed at the End of May 2015

May 25 – Monday—-.–Kept falling back to sleep, so I guess I really was very tired.–The sun was shining. Called my hiking friend. She wasn’t up for a hike. Didn’t trust the weather to not rain hard today.–Something told me to open the Festival email. Committee members working at the gallery needed direction about inventorying […]


Extremely Wet Not So Merry May 2015

May 15 – Friday—-–Call from JC that no one was at the Gallery, could I go and work for a few hours? Hesitated -immediate money- Said NO. Had other plans for the day. Proud of myself!–Festival emails sent and answered.–2.5 hours of moving Day Lilies and trying to make space for the new Rose Bushes. […]


The Second Week Of The Merry Month Of May

May 8 – Friday––Emailed Gwn with what I had spoken at City Council and a written summary of what I had told the Chamber Marketing Task Force at the meeting she had missed. Thanked her for offer to meet, but maybe next week would work better.–Still haven’t gotten FB new request handled. New wrinkle, for […]


Entering the Merry Month of May

May 1 – Friday––Had an emotional breakdown in the shower. “What if BE won’t head up Transition Town’s efforts for Waste at the Art Festival over this tree and park vision disagreement?”–Had pulled myself together and about to get ready for an early meeting with my client when she called to cancel. I didn’t handle […]


Awesome April Comes to an End

April 28 – Tuesday––Technical glitch kept me & others from joining in the every other Tuesday meditation/healing circle. Instead of getting upset, Awesome Julia focused on sending white light and healing energy to my friend in Nepal and all who were affected by the earthquakes and avalanches during that time.–Later saw a post from my […]


Awesome April and the Creative District Converge

April 21 – Tuesday––Packed most items for my trip tomorrow in the morning and will go finish up after posting this.–Lunch on my sunny porch to get revitalized.–Drove to PO, Bank and and the Chamber Task Force meeting. Didn’t have time to walk. 🙁–At end of regular agenda Shared the PARAB drama with the 2 […]


Awesome April Continues

April 14 – Tuesday–Washed the wet and used items brought home yesterday after the Hot Springs.–Took my plumber friend to lunch at Ethiopian restaurant for fixing the washer. Joked about I got a “free lunch” out of the deal as this was to pay him for the work, and lunch for two would cost about […]


Awesome April Second Week

April 7 – Tuesday–Caught up to Webinar #4 for Trust Funnel. Still working on the Kids book, but going forward with deciding on my main niche, which I pretty much knew before starting Brian’s class.–Am asking now 3 places which URL to use for my main web site. CreateSustainableLife or CreateASustainable Life? VOTE here if […]


Awesome April First Week

April 1, 2015Got up early enough (not a morning person) to get to the Art Co-op in time before others arrived to sign up for the desired shifts for the next 6 months. Walked there & back. -Received 4 gifts today: a friend returned proofing on a journal creating; extra batteries hearing aids; a coupon […]


Catching Up After A Break

OK, after NAMS, I started a new training program – actually 2 programs. One was around writing books taught by Brian G. Johnson of Trust Funnel fame, and the other was sharing our AWESOME selves. So I have been writing up my days and not posting here. Decided to post all that info a week […]