A Very Carnivale Day in FantaFaces Studio

I spent all day in my FantaFaces Studio in preparation for Carnivale in Manitou Springs.

Oh, I was tempted when the weather was predicted to be the warmest day to go for a Hike. But I resisted that temptation and got into my FantaFaces studio.

At first I was a bit distracted by doing some cleaning up, but then got motivated to create masks for upcoming Carnivale on March 1st in Manitou Springs. It is one of my better selling times in the Gallery, so that helped to motivate me also.

I always try at this time and before Halloween to use up feathers that are cut and maybe not enough of one color for a normal mask. And then there are the peacock eyes that have flaws and the numerous Ringneck Pheasant tails that are very short and can’t be used as wings. I often put them up for sale at Commonwheel Artist Co-op at a discounted rate, even though they take as much time as normal masks to make. But I get to play around to see if some new idea actually is something I can do more often in the future.

I finished a dozen masks! A few were ones I needed to replace relating to what has sold on Etsy and at the Commonwheel Gallery. But most were playful and used up many of the odd feathers hanging out in my studio.

I also needed some more colorful earrings at the Commonwheel, so ended my evening by doing 7 pairs. That felt good.

My speakers on my very old stereo seem to be dieing. At first I thought is was the tape player, but even the radio didn’t sound very good today. Tried a different small radio and tape player, and it didn’t sound any better. Also pretty old. I didn’t have another quick and easy solution, so just listened to the radio most of the day, and didn’t allow the mediocre sound stand in the way of being creative.

On another level of being “Creative”  I had what I think is a couple of very good ideas for advertising the Arts Festival at the venue it needs to be at this year. I will contact the owners of a couple of businesses in the area and see if they want to do some joint advertising. As it is an area Manitou Springs City Government is trying to breathe life back into with some upgrades. And Manitou’s most loved restaurant, Adam’s Mountain Cafe, is moving onto the street one block from The Fields Park, we can use them as a focal point to help people find the park. They do lots and lots of advertising, so many people will be more familiar with the area than in year’s past.

Plus, I heard a very interesting scientific discussion that relates to Children’s books in my mind. Will see if it can inspire a book or two from the ideas I heard relating to how children learn, or discipline they could develop in early life to help them succeed in later life.

Not checking any emails today seems strange, but just going to do my other post and head to bed.

Feeling very satisfied for what I did accomplish today.

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