Archive for the Breathe Category

Cold and the Crazies Over Run My Day

OK, just writing about today, not doing catch up right now. Some days just seem harder to deal with than others. I knew I needed to get up and do things, but really had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. The morning started with an annoying challenge.  There was lots and lots […]


Communication Glitches Have Plagued Me Recently

I have to admit at the Young Living Convention there were a few communication glitches with my roommate. The first night, when we were discussing about timing to get up and ready for the first morning, she reminded me she meditates for 2 hours each morning. I told her I needed 1.5 hr to get […]


How Fast Can I Catch Up This Week

I have just an half hour to work on this post. I am getting ready to leave for the Young Living 20th Annual Convention in Salt Lake City with a friend and two people I have never met. We will be driving there starting early in the morning tomorrow. We were suppose to leave today, […]


A Blue Heron Made My Day Tolerable By Adding Unexpected Beauty

This has been a very challenging day. First, my Healing Circle actually got me a bit angry rather than taking a step towards healing. She spoke of a way of seeing the World in a way I find very difficult to embrace. And it just doesn’t resonate with me at all. So I won’t be […]


Mother Nature’s Snow on Mother’s Day in Colorado

Last year we had a snowstorm on May Day. This year it was a bit later on Mother’s Day. The day started out grey and then some big fat flakes began to fall. As the day wore on everything was covered in a wet blanket of snow. Sort of throwing a “wet blanket” on many […]


April Fools Day Had Me Very Stressed

And that is no joke. Skipping ahead from my last post to now as this is sort of written out in an email. I had a health appointment with a doctor to analyze the abdominal cat scan I had a couple weeks ago. This had been ordered by two different doctors at appointments within just […]


Catching up and Catching my Breath

Some days just fly by, others whiz by, not drag by for me recently. I looked at my notes of what I did the last few days, and will only write up a few of them. With all the added expenses in my life, I again considered canceling my hair appointment last Friday, then decided […]


Hike at the Paint Mines and a Car Challenge

I got up Monday morning and packed to go hiking and grabbed items for my accountant. Later I discovered I missed some getting items in my car for both places. Including the Chai I had set on my counter to wake me up. But fortunately I had put in all three of my rechargeable batteries […]


A Webinar Filled Week and Challenges Continued

It is days later, not the next day that I have a bit of time to write. Thursday night, I had thought I would go to a Deja Vu Singles gathering after my third Tony Laidig webinar. But that was not to happen. What do they say, “Best Laid Plans . . .” His webinar […]


Festival Meeting and a Really Long Webinar

I had three webinars with Tony Laidig this week. Each one was very different from the other. On Tuesday night for his Expert Media Show the topic was how to “Live in Balance” and Tony talked about some of his real life experiences that brought up emotions in him, in ways no other internet marketing […]