Archive for the FantaFaces Category

June Is Bursting Out All Over

–June 1 – Monday. –Got what I needed to talk about at the meeting written up. Revised what we need to talk to CMWL Landlord about written up. –Looked at all the Fest Jobs and what needed to be still handled. Then forgot to bring the Job Sheet to the meeting.–Emails – some images from […]


Awesome April First Week

April 1, 2015Got up early enough (not a morning person) to get to the Art Co-op in time before others arrived to sign up for the desired shifts for the next 6 months. Walked there & back. -Received 4 gifts today: a friend returned proofing on a journal creating; extra batteries hearing aids; a coupon […]


Another Snowy Day Really Snowy

Today we are experiencing a snowstorm like we haven’t had in quite some time. It is reminiscent of storms in Illinois where I grew up. I went out and shoveled a bit in mid-day, just to make a dent in it. My MSAC meeting was canceled and resceduled on top of my next week Tony […]


My How Time Flies When Working On Many Projects

So on Friday, October 24, I met someone from Manifest at the storage unit at 10 am and got the last of the tables back. Still missing a tent. I decided to “borrow” the leaf rake that I had moved time and time again, yet had never been used at the the last 2 Art […]


Catching Up After the Commonwheel Art Festival Part 2

Looking back at this year and all the years I have coordinated the Commonwheel Art Festival, I came to the realization that I have put a very personal touch to how I do this job. I am very vested in it coming out well. And I am where the buck stops. This last year it […]


Time Flies When Having Festival Detailed Fun

So here it is almost a week later. So much for posting every day . . . Maybe I should be working on my Sustainable Event book instead of blogging. But is was a day I call a “Bad Nerve Day” that comes around once a month. Though I don’t remember one last month . […]


Cheering the Pikes Peak Marathon Runners

I have always said it all those runners can run up Pikes Peak, I will get up and cheer them on. So I did that Sunday morning. I did go back to bed both days and am feeling better for doing that tonight. I have a cow bell from the shop next door that I […]


Stormy Days, Book Publishing And So New Things to Learn

There have been many storms these last few days. But nothing that has caused any new flooding in Manitou Springs. Halleluiah! But my basement is very damp right now. The old ways water came in seems to have happened again. Didn’t have the heart to take a flashlight and see if the new area was […]


A Week Later After Meeting Overwhelm

This week was filled with meetings. By the 6th one, I was not as on point as normal. The best parts of the week was getting to work with a client on his book and getting my Kick-Starter “reward” for supporting the new Local Grocery Store in town. I do know I did some work […]


Working at Commowheel and In the Garden with Stressed Shoulder

After a night’s sleep, I woke up pretty stiff. Allowed myself to sleep in a bit later than normal. I was scheduled to work the afternoon shift at the Commonwheel Artists Co-op for pay for another member, so did have to get moving. My shoulder was pretty sore, but could have been much worse if […]