Archive for the Challenging People Category

Turn a July Day Around

July 1 – Wednesday–Checked Fest emails. Answered a couple. Checked other emails.–Correen arrived early. Talked a bit about Coloring books and her secret “idea” that hasn’t been worked on yet. Walked down to Green Horse. Dar has a new puppy. So cute. Went to lunch with Sharon and Correen at Townhouse. Nice to sit in […]


Exhaustion Levels Around the House Are High

June 25 – Thursday–And I did feel fine in the morning after the hike.–Worked on Festival tasks.–Got all the images for the Press Releases onto a Thumb Drive. Worked a bit more on the Short PR and the “Save the Date” to take to JC tomorrow.–Called to find a new Balloon Twister for the Festival […]


A week of Commonwheel Festival Focus

June 19 – Friday–Walked to Commonwheel, then PO, then D’Vine Wine. Got a good prize from them again for the Art Festival prize drawing. Talked about the Rusty fundraiser being in a better, more high end attendee place than just a house concert. May get some wine.–Picked up an envelop at CMWL in the Fest […]


June Is Bursting Out All Over

–June 1 – Monday. –Got what I needed to talk about at the meeting written up. Revised what we need to talk to CMWL Landlord about written up. –Looked at all the Fest Jobs and what needed to be still handled. Then forgot to bring the Job Sheet to the meeting.–Emails – some images from […]


Jury Time for Commnwheel 2015 Art Festival

June 8 – Monday–Got up 7:30 am, early for me, to get ready for the Festival Jury Session. Put out food, washed fruit, etc.–Good, but long session. Some disagreements of what belongs in the Art Festival and what bad booth shot could mean for what they would show up with. Some easy decisions. Too much […]


Nearing the End of May 2015

So sorry for the duplicate posts of May 15-21. 🙁 At least had some different pictures, not sure how I mixed that up . . . but going on now. May 22 – Friday—-.–Checking emails for Festival. Attended to some tasks.-Realized I had missed a meeting at Commonwheel to look at the basement. Haven’t heard […]


May Gardening And Park Challenge Addressed

May 15 – Friday—-–Call from JC that no one was at the Gallery, could I go and work for a few hours? Hesitated -immediate money- Said NO. Had other plans for the day.–Festival emails sent and answered.–2.5 hours of moving Lilies and trying to make space for the Rose Bushes. Not even halfway there.–Art Walk. […]


New Fence Section and Old Rose Removed at the End of May 2015

May 25 – Monday—-.–Kept falling back to sleep, so I guess I really was very tired.–The sun was shining. Called my hiking friend. She wasn’t up for a hike. Didn’t trust the weather to not rain hard today.–Something told me to open the Festival email. Committee members working at the gallery needed direction about inventorying […]


Extremely Wet Not So Merry May 2015

May 15 – Friday—-–Call from JC that no one was at the Gallery, could I go and work for a few hours? Hesitated -immediate money- Said NO. Had other plans for the day. Proud of myself!–Festival emails sent and answered.–2.5 hours of moving Day Lilies and trying to make space for the new Rose Bushes. […]


Entering the Merry Month of May

May 1 – Friday––Had an emotional breakdown in the shower. “What if BE won’t head up Transition Town’s efforts for Waste at the Art Festival over this tree and park vision disagreement?”–Had pulled myself together and about to get ready for an early meeting with my client when she called to cancel. I didn’t handle […]