Archive for the Nature Category

Hiking Ute Trail and a Long Day at Commonwheel Gallery in Manitou Springs

Woke up feeling a bit achy the Monday morning. After yesterday’s gardening adventure, the muscles in my upper legs and butt were a bit sore. Though not too painful, just a good reminder that I need to exercise is ways other than hiking to keep all parts of my body in better shape. I worked […]


I Don’t Do “Nothing” Well

 I had planned on taking the day off on Saturday after the opening for “Old Spokes” at Commonwheel. I gave it my best shot at resting, but I really don’t sit around and do nothing very well. And even though I felt pretty exhausted, I couldn’t just sit and do nothing or read all day. […]


Hiking While Ignoring A Health Challenge

This last week I went a very different hike from the ones I have been taking with my usual hiking partner. The last one I took with her was very leisurely and easy filled with birds. That was a fun hike done just in time, as the next day it snowed about 4 inches and […]


Hearing Test and a Magnificent View of Pikes Peak

Errands and Cottage Showings and Health Appointments, oh my! I went to pick up something I needed for tomorrow’s test and learned I had written down the wrong address. Close enough that I was able to get what I needed with little distress. And tomorrow I will be at the right place on time. Just […]


The Day Before Manitou Springs Carnivale 2014

I am not as on track in my world as I usually am. I thought I was arriving for a meeting early, and I was actually late. Not sure how I twisted the time from 10 am to 10:30 after looking at the calendar last night. Luckily the ladies are very forgiving. I regaled them […]


A Denver Adventure Selling Trust Items and Walking the Botanical Gardens

Denver has many businesses and cultural experiences that Colorado Springs is missing. I couldn’t find a really good place in Colorado Springs to sell some the items from my parent’s trust. So did a bunch of research on the internet and found a couple of Coin and Jewelry dealers in Denver that had high ratings. […]