Archive for the Journal Category

Exhaustion Levels Around the House Are High

June 25 – Thursday–And I did feel fine in the morning after the hike.–Worked on Festival tasks.–Got all the images for the Press Releases onto a Thumb Drive. Worked a bit more on the Short PR and the “Save the Date” to take to JC tomorrow.–Called to find a new Balloon Twister for the Festival […]


Catching Up After A Break

OK, after NAMS, I started a new training program – actually 2 programs. One was around writing books taught by Brian G. Johnson of Trust Funnel fame, and the other was sharing our AWESOME selves. So I have been writing up my days and not posting here. Decided to post all that info a week […]


Escaping The Flu And Other Illnesses

So on Saturday the 6th my roommate calls from work and tells me she is really sick and has to leave her job to come home. She has a horrendous version of the flu. I go take some Thieves and then gather the little diffuser and fill it with Purification to help keep the air […]


And Another Two Weeks Have Flown By

The day after the Dome Rock hike, I had a lovely Green Drinks “meeting” up in Crystal Hills. For some reason, I thought we were to bring food, so I baked some Bean Project gluten-free corn bread and added diced green chilies. I surprised the hostess with this, but it was perfect, as she had […]


A Blue Heron Made My Day Tolerable By Adding Unexpected Beauty

This has been a very challenging day. First, my Healing Circle actually got me a bit angry rather than taking a step towards healing. She spoke of a way of seeing the World in a way I find very difficult to embrace. And it just doesn’t resonate with me at all. So I won’t be […]


Taxes and Dancing and Hiking on My Current Tenants Moving Day

Focused on work to clear the way for writing. On Friday, and early Saturday, I also got most of the images my nephew and brother needed done in a way they liked them for Ellis Brush Mowers. I sent off 300 dpi ones to my brother to create a brochure, and put some on the […]


Computer Never Shut Down Takes A Visit to My Favorite Tech

What did I say at the end of yesterday? “Tomorrow is another day, and I hope to be more on track for what I need to get done again.” Well, that didn’t happen quite as I had hoped! I didn’t realize my computer never shut off last night. And this was the second time it […]


A New Life for Write-It

Life Upside Down-Write It is now nothing like it had morphed into before it got hacked. This site is starting over from scratch. All new posts. The helpful pages relating to journaling, writing and getting published will be rebuilt.It will get back to the root of what it was meant to be originally. There is […]