On Sunday, I got more items for the Commonwheel 40th Anniversary show into the Artists Statement File.
I sent out a B&W copy of this File to people to try and inspire them to get me more of their Bio’s and photos to get that project closer to a finished state.
I tried to get some Press Release info into DropBox for our marketing person, photos and text she could use.
I am way to involved with this project for my own good. But no turning back now. I do not think I will have a puzzle for the opening, but then that is about a month away still . . . That is something I could skip over doing.
I did get up into my studio and created some masks to take to the shop on Monday. That felt really good. And I needed “mask boards” that they get attached to when sold. I hadn’t noticed they were needed when I worked, and a shop-worker called to ask if I had more, as he was selling two FantaFaces Masks and there were none there. I had him look in the back for the “care & feeding” cards I knew were on my shelf. He couldn’t find those, but there was one mask board with a couple of masks on it that I told him to use and put the masks out for me. (On my workday on Wednesday, I found a mask board exactly where it belonged and plenty of my “care & feeding” cards where I told him they would be. Blind?)
I felt I was moving very slowly in my feather studio, but got six masks created and found a couple I could take off Etsy to fill in the blanks at the Co-op on Monday.
I had a client on Monday morning that I was to help get a book ready to publish on Kindle. He showed up with files that had each of the chapters in separate documents. That doesn’t work. We talked he preferred to put them all in one file himself, rather than pay me to do that. I set-up a template with the proper fonts and showed him how to do copy and paste each chapter, then add a page break after each chapter. Plus format the headers properly. I am hoping he will send me the artwork for the cover so I can have that done when he and his wife return from a trip to Europe that was given to him by her sister as an inheritance she willed to them.
Luckily he had all the chapters on a thumb drive, as his new small notebook computer would not turn on when he got here. We tried plugging it in in many ways in case the battery had just died. But it never booted up, so he had to take it back to where he purchased it to be sure he would have it for his trip. Although we didn’t get much done, he was in a talking mood and we caught up a bit with each others lives.
My brother needed some changes on the Parish Gap web site. I was able to do some, but the videos he wanted swapped out were on a web site I didn’t create, nor did I have any way to accesses it. The member who is leaving the band had done that and even he didn’t have access to that web page. So he needed to create a new one for the band that he would have control over.
My niece, his daughter is coming back into the band to take the place of the girl who is leaving. That makes my brother very happy! And I know she missed performing and spending time with her Dad, but needed some time to adjust to married life and her teaching job.
The add art for the 40th Anniversary show just didn’t look right to me when our marketer sent it over. I suggested some changes for that and her first draft of the Press Release. It may be our Ruby anniversary, but the huge really red, red very stark text she used for the show name just looked “wrong” to me.
My essential oils up-line wants to go to the Young Living Convention at the end of June. That is really a challenge for me time-wise and financially. I have always wanted to do this, but not sure if it is feasible this year. So spent some time looking at my financial picture, but haven’t come to a decision yet.
I planned on going to Lowe’s on my way the Commonwheel Artists Co-op Board meeting to pick up some items needed for the cottage, so left in plenty of time to get that done.
The Board meeting was very long, but not boring. We have so much to stay on top of after the flooding and trying to get a new POS System in place, discussing how to handle members who have resigned and the jobs they did, and more. So it wasn’t easy to not keep working together while we were all gathered together. We did come to some good decisions and have more to look at in the future, including insurance policies.