The Day Before Manitou Springs Carnivale 2014

I am not as on track in my world as I usually am.

I thought I was arriving for a meeting early, and I was actually late. Not sure how I twisted the time from 10 am to 10:30 after looking at the calendar last night. Luckily the ladies are very forgiving. I regaled them with stories about the flooding last year, the relocation of the Art Festival and what our plans are for this year.

I had left my power cord for the Festival MAC at Commonwheel last night. When I picked that up I learned I had sold a mask, one that I easily repeat and make the best money from selling. So when I got back from my meeting grabbed the one that was on Etsy, put some empty boxes with peanuts and newspapers in the car and gave myself permission to drive back to Commonwheel to put that in there. Roger who is very tall, had found one of my pins on top of my display that I couldn’t see and had thought was lost/stolen last year. Bonus.

Being mocked by a Raven sitting in glowing silver branches yesterday came to mind as I worked through my many tasks. He seemed to be laughing at me as I hurried through the park taking photos and accessing the possible new layout idea.

Raven mocking me in Manitou Springs

I got lots of tasks done relating to the 40th Year Celebration with Old Spokes in the Gallery. That felt good. Some people actually have sent photos and one bio! Hope more show up over the weekend. And many confirmed that had been not responding or on the fence.

And I got website filled in with 4 pages for the classes she is teaching herself with a partner and at the School of Inner Health that she has sold to a couple of people. That really felt good! Hope they all like what I did. And I discovered an error on a brochure they are sending out. Emailed them that it needs fixing.

Should I go and dance at Stargazers to Tribe for an hour? I do deserve the dancing time. It is always fun to wear a Fantafaces mask to get others in the mood to come play at Carnivale in Manitou Springs that takes place tomorrow. So seems like a good idea. Just for one set . . .

Poster for Carnvale in Manitou Springs

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