Cottage, Commonwheel and Cookies Filled My Time

The Three C’ made my day interesting.

Got to the Post Office and no one else was in line. Collected the over-sized mail for the Festival. Learned about what it would cost to ship a mask to the UK. The Postmistress was in a chatty mood, so she even looked up what was not legal to send there. The mask person has contacted me after I told her the cost of shipping and the concept she would have to pay a customs fee also that I couldn’t determine before the mask was sent.

Then at Commonwheel the desk person was in a grumpy mood. And I once again didn’t get my dues check entered into the register. Checked my sales and I have sold more FantaFaces masks after Carnivale was over, than before or during it. Interesting.

My roommate fixed us a lovely brunch that was ready when I got back from my walking errands. Got me fueled up for a day of getting things done.

I called the new cottage tenant to set a time for him to come look at the almost empty cottage to be sure it was all he hoped it would be. He and his Mom will come by tomorrow at 11 am and do some measuring.

I also set a time for my plumber friend to come and assess what needed to be done while the cottage was empty on Sunday, after the new tenant would have left. Wanted to see what he wanted to do themselves before talking about hiring my friend.

My roommate had baked more gluten-free cookies the night before. A bit crunchy. Best good when dipped in milk or Chai. Then my Greek walking friend came to the door with raisin oatmeal cookies she wanted my opinion on. I liked the ginger spiciness. She had deemed it too cold for a walk today, and I had to agree. My walk to and from the Co-op was quite chilly.

 I set up the scanner I had bought through Amazon at the end of December. It did not work how I had hoped. Since it has no power supply of its own, it needs to be connected directly to the laptop. Not convenient as the mouse and the back up hard drive take up the two USB ports. So I need to disconnect the backup hard drive before I use the scanner, as I can’t work without a mouse using my larger screen . . . and I had thought I had researched this well before purchasing it. Obviously not well enough!

Before I figured that out, I learned that the software on the CD was out of sync with my Operating System. So at first I thought that was the problem. Downloaded the newest drivers, and the scanner still didn’t work plugged into the axillary USB port or the keyboard port. Got frustrated and emailed to get it returned. Then when a Thumb Drive said it needed more power than the axillary USB port would provide, got the concept that the scanner needed to be plugged directly into the laptop. So tried that. And it sort of works with the Preview program. The buttons don’t work at all. Nor will it scan more than one page to pdf. At least I can’t find a way to say, scan another page into one document. My older MAC has a program that works better than this one for pdfs, but the quality of images that I scanned with this new one were way better than the older scanner can do. Plus this new scanner lets me put a book or magazine open flat to scan these types of items to pdf without having to cut up the magazine or book. So it has some good qualities, just not as easy to use as I had hoped. Will make do until I can afford a better solution.

Spent more time on the Commonwheel Scrapbook. I am really too involved in this project. I am not treating it just like another Gallery show. I start looking at the scrapbooks and get possessed with what I could do to get Commonwheel’s 40th Anniversary more attention. And then on my Tuesday’s Expert Media Show with Tony Laidig, I got the inspiration of how to do a contest using old photos and having people identify past and current members that are pictured there. Now that could be a new and different promotion later in the year . . . and there are some great old photos of young Commonwheelers. Will have to put the scanner to use tomorrow (Wednesday) and see how well these photos do come out then had it over to our marketing committee with this suggestion.

Sometimes I feel like I am just spinning my wheels, but realize how much I do get accomplished in a day and feel much better. Everything I get done, is something that helps move me forward in my business and life.

When one stays on a path but can’t see where it will lead, often wonderful results or visions await them just around the corner. Turning around before getting to the top of the hill or giving up before reaching one’s goal can mean missing out on what awaits them in the future on that path or an incredible view of nature’s wonders.

Paint Mines in Calhan offer one of Natures wonders

Imagine if my hiking partner and I had turned around before reaching the top of this path because we were just too tired or uninspired to walk any higher?

We would have missed a spectacular view of these colorful formations.

In many areas of this hike in Calhan’s Paint Mines Park, the prairie landscape hides from view what can be seen only when one keeps walking without knowing what is around the next bend.

Just using this as metaphor for what was revealed to me on Saturday when I was feeling I was spinning my wheels, then realized I was actually moving forward with everything I got done that day and in days past, that would support what I would get accomplished in the future.


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