Archive for the Nature’s Beauty Category

June Is Bursting Out All Over

–June 1 – Monday. –Got what I needed to talk about at the meeting written up. Revised what we need to talk to CMWL Landlord about written up. –Looked at all the Fest Jobs and what needed to be still handled. Then forgot to bring the Job Sheet to the meeting.–Emails – some images from […]


Mineral Springs Dedication June 2015

June 13 – Saturday –Mineral Spring Dedication. Talked with the Greens about sculpture for Art on the Avenue. And they said really nice things to me. Made me feel they appreciated me. –Talked with Pete Lee a bit. Thanked him for being at Manitou’s special moments. –Heard a councilman who wasn’t going to run for […]


Jury Time for Commnwheel 2015 Art Festival

June 8 – Monday–Got up 7:30 am, early for me, to get ready for the Festival Jury Session. Put out food, washed fruit, etc.–Good, but long session. Some disagreements of what belongs in the Art Festival and what bad booth shot could mean for what they would show up with. Some easy decisions. Too much […]


May Gardening And Park Challenge Addressed

May 15 – Friday—-–Call from JC that no one was at the Gallery, could I go and work for a few hours? Hesitated -immediate money- Said NO. Had other plans for the day.–Festival emails sent and answered.–2.5 hours of moving Lilies and trying to make space for the Rose Bushes. Not even halfway there.–Art Walk. […]


Awesome April Comes to an End

April 28 – Tuesday––Technical glitch kept me & others from joining in the every other Tuesday meditation/healing circle. Instead of getting upset, Awesome Julia focused on sending white light and healing energy to my friend in Nepal and all who were affected by the earthquakes and avalanches during that time.–Later saw a post from my […]


Awesome April Second Week

April 7 – Tuesday–Caught up to Webinar #4 for Trust Funnel. Still working on the Kids book, but going forward with deciding on my main niche, which I pretty much knew before starting Brian’s class.–Am asking now 3 places which URL to use for my main web site. CreateSustainableLife or CreateASustainable Life? VOTE here if […]


Awesome April First Week

April 1, 2015Got up early enough (not a morning person) to get to the Art Co-op in time before others arrived to sign up for the desired shifts for the next 6 months. Walked there & back. -Received 4 gifts today: a friend returned proofing on a journal creating; extra batteries hearing aids; a coupon […]


Visioning Into The New Year of 2015

And it snowed enough on Monday the 29th to cause all sorts of havoc. Then it cleared up the next couple of days, but was FRIGID! Tuesday, worked on ads and other gallery tasks. Tony Laidig did an end of year talk. What he had done, asked us to reflect on what we had done. […]


Escaping The Flu And Other Illnesses

So on Saturday the 6th my roommate calls from work and tells me she is really sick and has to leave her job to come home. She has a horrendous version of the flu. I go take some Thieves and then gather the little diffuser and fill it with Purification to help keep the air […]


My How Time Flies When Working On Many Projects

So on Friday, October 24, I met someone from Manifest at the storage unit at 10 am and got the last of the tables back. Still missing a tent. I decided to “borrow” the leaf rake that I had moved time and time again, yet had never been used at the the last 2 Art […]