Archive for the Essential Oils Category

No I Haven’t Been On Vacation

Yes, more than a month has past without any posts. Have I been busy? VERY! I finalized pieces for the Commonwheel Marketing job and it is now in someone else’s very capable hands.  Immediate money was nice, but I really need to spend time on future money projects. On that note, signed up for Brian […]


OMG-Has It Really Been Two Weeks And No Posts?

Yes, I guess it has. My how time flies when your word is filled with multiple jobs and tasks that need to get handled. And tomorrow I flip the calendar from the fun picture of a Blue-Footed Booby to Snow Leopard. Time to get serious about my publishing business. Wednesday I was ready to go […]


Stressfull Art Walk Friday And An Awesome Sky

Friday morning started with “Little One” arriving for her month long stay. She had started her life around here and I had had to find homes for her and her kittens. She is really beautiful Tortoise Shell colors. My long time potter friend had taken her in we think 2001 and she had loved where […]


Continuing to Catch Up with The Art Festival Looming Closer

So where was I? Ah, yes – Saturday, August 2nd. A dancing friend always has a Leo Birthday Party on the first Saturday in August. She backs up pans of veggie enchiladas and brownies. Her guests bring side dishes, wine, and flowers. It is held mostly outside and she lucked out this year. No Rain! […]


Quick Summary of the Last Week and Young Living Convention

Actually this is more than a week worth of summation. On Monday, June 23rd I rode to the Young Living Convention in Salt Lake City with two people I had never met and my Sharing Inner Health friend. I realized as we left town, that I had left my distance glasses at home . . […]


How Fast Can I Catch Up This Week

I have just an half hour to work on this post. I am getting ready to leave for the Young Living 20th Annual Convention in Salt Lake City with a friend and two people I have never met. We will be driving there starting early in the morning tomorrow. We were suppose to leave today, […]


A Hike and Raindrop for My Body and Spirit

The day after the Commonwheel Art Festival jury, I worked on getting all the information sorted out and getting the checks copied and deposited in the bank. I walked to the Commonwheel and the copier was in pieces! That paper jam a couple of days ago must have been much worse than normal, so no […]


Working at Commowheel and In the Garden with Stressed Shoulder

After a night’s sleep, I woke up pretty stiff. Allowed myself to sleep in a bit later than normal. I was scheduled to work the afternoon shift at the Commonwheel Artists Co-op for pay for another member, so did have to get moving. My shoulder was pretty sore, but could have been much worse if […]


Mother Nature’s Snow on Mother’s Day in Colorado

Last year we had a snowstorm on May Day. This year it was a bit later on Mother’s Day. The day started out grey and then some big fat flakes began to fall. As the day wore on everything was covered in a wet blanket of snow. Sort of throwing a “wet blanket” on many […]


Weather and Health Challenges Have Put Me In A Funk

Since returning from the Creative Industries Summit in Salida, I have been dealing with some challenges. My body has not felt very good the last week or more. Exhaustion was the first challenge. Then I realized I was experiencing neck pain like I hadn’t felt in years. I determined my head was off its axis […]