As many things as I get accomplished in a day, my To Do List still seems endless as the evening comes to a close.
Yesterday,I had found favorite quotes from Winnie the Pooh, that I shared with my roommate. That led to me finding the perfectly named stuffed bear and an extra Young Living Thieves Essential Oils Blend to give to her for her birthday today.
We had a lovely dinner planned, and I had decided to try my Chili Relleño Casserole with Rice Cheese and gluten free flour for her tonight. Sadly, she kept feeling worse and worse with the symptoms of cold that finally became full-blown and sent her to bed all day.
The casserole was in the oven when she finally succumbed to admitting she was really sick and the dinner was canceled. It came out looking very different from the normal recipe, but the piece I had tasted fine, just a little different, but very edible. Hopefully she can eat some tomorrow.
Got up early this morning, well, early for me, and printed up many items that needed to be copied for the Commonwheel Gallery and Festival.
Had a FantaFaces mask that was ordered from my Etsy Site that I needed to pack and ship. So packed the mask and headed over to the Post Office and then down to Commonwheel. I was really happy for this sale, as I had made the mask with different accents around the eyes than normal for someone who sounded like that was what they were looking for, but it wasn’t. So just put it on Etsy to see if it could attack a person who would love it. And it did!
It was still pretty nice weather out for this sunny walk. But by the end of the day, tiny snowflakes were floating down and it was very cold.
My neighbor is looking to sell or rent out the house next to me that she inherited from her uncle. I heard the sound of someone cutting down a tree between our houses. Went out and it was my favorite tree trimmer. Asked him what it would cost to chip some branches in my back yard. When we went to look at that pile of branches, I decide to ask him to look at a very large tree with dead branches hanging over my cottage. He quoted me a price out of my budget, then asked what I could afford. I told him, and he agreed to do the most threatening branches for that price. And we discussed the new starts from a tree he cut down years ago, and I was trying to rid myself of, but hadn’t progressed to far. He said he’d remove them again, and poison the stump once more at the same time. It really should not have come back after what he did last time. And of course, chip the pile of branches in the backyard then also.
Almost missed a training call. I hadn’t been able to attend last weeks call and was going to listen to it tonight. But saw an email for another training from this coach, and when I went to sign up saw it was the same time as when I thought tomorrow’s training was. How could Tony Laidig be on calls for two different trainings at exactly the same time? Not possible. So then noticed I had a confirmation for a training for today for my paid for class. That explained that, and I didn’t miss it. Still need to listen to Module 2, and attend the new training tomorrow.
The transferring of the School of Inner Health domain from Yahoo! is being even more difficult than ever. And now I have been on hold for over 30 minutes for a “not more than 20 minute wait” the robot told me. And it keeps trying to have me hang up and use the new service. But looking on the web site, this is the message seen there: “Let Us Call You (Sorry, our call-scheduling system is currently unavailable.)” So hanging out on hold until someone does answer, though I am beginning to think no one will . . .
I had a glitch with transferring one of my domains from my old service. I called there, and got technical help within 5 minutes who resolved the problem very quickly and cheerfully, even though she knew I was leaving that hosting company. While we were talking discovered I was about to be charged for two more services I won’t be needing, and she cancelled those billings. I did love the tech help at this company, but the security issues I had that they could not help me with are the reasons I am moving to Springs Hosting.
Did a few more changes my brother wanted on his Parish Gap band’s web site. Hope this makes him happy now and it works for him better.
Got one of my web sites almost totally back up. Looking for some time tomorrow to focus on them a bit more. But do have Festival tasks to attend to in the morning as always. And I would really like to attend the Millibo Art Theatre performance of Inspired tomorrow night after the webinar.